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'lys på Varden' (2023)

Medium: Drypoint (koldnål) and hand-colouring on paper (2023)

size: motif: 11 x 17 cm (paper: 25 x 35 cm)


'Varden' is the name of the cabin we took over from my great-aunt Aslaug in 2022. It had been left empty and neglected for many years. Many would have discarded and torn it down.

Varden means 'the cairn' in Norwegian and these cairns were historically used to guide people through the landscape.

'ljos på Varden' (2023) shows the first winter at Varden with lights.


Printed at York St John University

lys på Varden (2023)

kr 1 500,00 Vanlig pris
kr 1 125,00Salgspris
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