a (walking)
Welcome to walk with me
a photo essay constructed by observations during walks
in the area of Hampstead Garden Suburb.
The photos are selected in response to a specific artist/artwork/creator.
Pause, play and listen to the sounds you come across.
© Åse Vikse 2021
What is a place?
If no one asks me, I know what it is.
If someone asks me, I no longer know
inspired by St. Augustine

The social mirror
in response to Mierle Laderman Ukeles

Walking is not separate from life. It is one.
an ode to Lee Krasner

Andy Goldsworthy
is that you?

The future library
lies in the suburb

a Long path
A Walker in collaboration with Morning Dew

Love at first site
after Morag Myerscough

Homes for Suburbs
after Dan Graham

Inside is peaceful land
inspired by Katherine Jones
Neighbourhoods … a turbulent amalgam of best and worst:
solidarity and violence; generosity and theft;
warm hearts and cold houses.
Foster cited in Mitchell 2021

Wittgenstein's hytte
in little Wood

She's the One
an ode to Henrietta Barnett
A unity of man, culture and nature
a wise man's constructions may be overshadowed by his wisdom
inspired by Norberg-Schulz

In the darkness all shadows are grey
in the night, all sounds become louder
in response to Viv Corringham

Two forms, one language
an ode to Barbara Hepworth

When worlds collide, 2021
after Chris Orr

'I will make something of myself'
inspired by Paula Modersohn-Becker
Thank you for joining my walks through the Garden Suburb
now pause
press play – composition by Egill Bjarni Helgason Vikse © 2021